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last updated at 9:16 PM PST, Fri Sep 27 2024

 72  Breakdowns today - Top 10 for ranges shown below.

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(Highest volume on top)
5-day Breakdowns10-day Breakdowns15-day Breakdowns20-day Breakdowns25-day Breakdowns30-day Breakdowns40-day Breakdowns
  AMZN187.40  CLOV2.78  MLNK22.45  AGIO42.96  AGIO42.96  AGIO42.96
  NGD3.08  MNKD6.22  MTN176.20  MLNK22.37  MLNK22.01  MLNK21.29
  AGIO44.79  MLNK22.70  MOFG26.93  MTN176.20  MTN174.99  MTN174.99
  OLLI97.02  IRT20.45  MAA157.99  ENSG146.65  ENSG143.85  GFL38.79
  ANET377.06  OHI40.24  RARE54.68  MOFG26.93  SBS16.58  BCAB1.58
  BCAB1.58  PLNT80.70  IBCP32.11  MAA157.99  MOFG26.93  RBA80.47
  EAT75.26  OLLI96.64  HBNC14.99  RARE54.68  RARE54.68  SBS16.58
  PSA355.57  INSP201.74  SKYH11.50  IBCP32.11  IBCP32.11  MOFG26.26
  XPO110.94  SKYH11.57  GNE16.24  HBNC14.99  SLDB7.08  IBCP31.99
  CDLX3.20  TEO7.73  RDHL8.98  SKYH11.44  DTIL8.95  SLDB7.08

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